Suggest about templates

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Suggest about templates

Post by Idochesswork » Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:37 am

Hi alf,

1. For all templates, if you can add a "Play - Pause" (auto play a move, at a speed for example: 2 second/move) it would be easier for those who use mobile device, I think. The plugin has already work great on laptop or large screen device, but on smart phone, it may be inconvenient for user to tap continuously to view the game.

2. As I figured it out, the template 2 and template 5 is used for showing a game with comment, analysis and variations. The template 5 work wonderful on laptop, since it show the analysis frame next to the chess board. But on mobile device, it only show the main line. The comment and variations are gone.
On the contrary, the template 2 work greatly on mobile device, for it showed the board above the analysis frame, and when we hold a smatphone verically as we usually does, it is convenient cuz we can see them both without scrolling up and down. However, on large screen (i.e: laptop), it is not good, because if we set the big board, we must scroll down to see the analysis, and scroll up to track the move on the board and so on.
I'm thinking about combine the strong points of both templates: modify template 2, so that when it is shown on laptop, the analysis frame would be side by side with a board, and when it is shown on the mobile device, the analysis frame with be put under the board, responsively. Just a suggest. :D

3. Template 1 and template 3 need modified, because the board look too tiny on mobile. And even more, with template 3, the "next" button is not shown correctly (missing a part of the arrow). I think that it would be perfect if the board and the movelist can display at 3/4 - 1/4 ratio.

I will post more when I figured something else. Thank you very much, sir!!!

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Re: Suggest about templates

Post by alf » Sun Mar 12, 2017 1:14 pm

Thanks for your feedback. Again, its very helpful :)

I've made some changes to the templates today.

Some of the large boards can be made smaller on large screens by using the "width" and "float" attribute. the width and float is only applied to large screens


[chess game="2" tpl="1" width="60%" float="left"]

Perhaps I should give the width attribute a default value less than 100% on some of the templates where the board is very big on desktops !?

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Re: Suggest about templates

Post by Idochesswork » Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:21 pm

Ah, I thought and tried the idea of combining "small width" and "float" properties, thinking it would be a remedy, but it would not show correctly if we use more than one board in a post.

Here in an attachment, I used [pgn tpl="2" theme="wood1" width="50%" float="left"] for game analysis, and [pgn tpl="1" theme="wood1" width="50%"] to focus on one variation after that. I would try combining other templates and report it to you.

Again, thank for your hard work, Alf. It's been a long way from 2007 till now!
Untitled1 (Medium) (Small).png
Untitled1 (Medium) (Small).png (216.31 KiB) Viewed 150319 times

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Re: Suggest about templates

Post by alf » Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:58 pm

Thanks again :D

Yes, there might be issues with float left and multiple boards close to each other in the same post.

I will see if there's something I can do about that.

Btw Tpl 1 have the notations next to the board, so it's probably not the best template to show at 50% width :) However, I can see from the screenshots that there are som display issues which should be fixable

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Re: Suggest about templates

Post by Idochesswork » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:16 am

Hi alf,

Thank you for modyfing template5. Now it's perfect on laptop and mobile. You can view your great work here: ... hap-thanh/

I used the shortcode in this article. [pgn tpl="5" theme="wood1"] Just perfect!!!

And, by the way, I figured out the way use more than one board in a harmony view. I used this shortcode [pgn tpl="1" theme="wood1" width="70%" float="left"] for the chess board, and insert a horizontal line after the paragraph I intended to float aside the chess board. You can view it here:

Look good? :D It is no longer looked mess-up like before. I think it should be add to the "tips" for using the plugin.
Thank you again, Alf!!!!

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Re: Suggest about templates

Post by alf » Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:31 am

Nice work on your site. It looks very good :)

I will add your tip to my resize board tutorial.

Horizontal ruler will work if it's invisible, which I guess it is on most WordPress sites. You can also add

<div style="clear:both">

in text mode to get the same effect.

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Re: Suggest about templates

Post by Idochesswork » Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:31 am

Thank you alf. Bravo!

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