DHTMLChess for WordPress

March, 28th, 2017

DHTML Chess is now available for WordPress as a plugin

There is both a PRO and a free version.

Here are some key features:

  • Easy rendering of chess boards using shortcodes like [fen], [pgn] and [chess]
  • Support for uploading pgn files.
  • Computer analysis online using Stockfish JS
  • Automated updated standings in tournaments.
  • Support for showing Tactic Puzzles using drag'n drop directly on your Wordpress site.
  • Lots of different templates for showing games.


You can download WordPressChess from https://wordpresschess.com/pro-version/.


You can find many tutorials at http://wordpresschess.com/category/tutorials/.

DHTML Chess forums

For support, go to the forums page and register. All accounts at the forum has to be manually approved, so send an email to post@dhtml-chess.com with your username, and your account will be activated quickly.

There are different topics there related to DHTML Chess for Wordpress.