I've try to test the plugin with Newspaper themes, by tagdiv, and figure out that the board was not showing correctly. Maybe it nwould occur to some other themes as well, so I think it's need to report to you.
Please have a look to this link:
In the notation panel, the pieces figurine is not showing in the sameline with the square's name. And when I try to use the keyboard button to move backward and forward, the pieces on chess board didn't show it movement correctly.
By the way, I think that you can use chessfont to overide the pieces figurines in chess notation. Please also have a look on the font FigurineSymbol T1 and FigurineSymbol S1 on this site: http://www.enpassant.dk/chess/fonteng.htm.
Best regardsThere are two versions of the font: one based on Times New Roman and one on Swiss/Arial/sans serif, but the characters for king (K), queen (Q), rook (R), bishop (B) and knight (N) are replaced by chess pieces/figurines. You just select the game text, change the font and voilà - the game is written with figurine notation.
Tuan Long