Search found 27 matches

by uyasar
Sun Aug 20, 2017 9:34 am
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Not showing all pgns correctly
Replies: 5
Views: 96897

Re: Not showing all pgns correctly

Thank you for the reply but it didnt work for mee :(
by uyasar
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:37 am
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Not showing all pgns correctly
Replies: 5
Views: 96897

Not showing all pgns correctly

Hi, I am trying to translate this pgn into my lang but there is something wrong with it original pgn: translated one: pgn is the same but output is different, incomplete th...
by uyasar
Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:42 am
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Some bugs related to updates and editor shortcut
Replies: 3
Views: 73145

Re: Some bugs related to updates and editor shortcut

Thanks for reply. I am using the shortcut button for arrows and highlights but it inserts wrong colour codes.

here, I just wanted to highlight those squares as green but they are red. ... -tas-alma/
by uyasar
Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:13 am
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Some bugs related to updates and editor shortcut
Replies: 3
Views: 73145

Some bugs related to updates and editor shortcut

Hello, It s been a long time since you last updated the plugin. I hope you haven't given up developing it. By the way, I think there are some bugs with the plugin 1. Update, although I have updated it to 1.0.91 version, It still says to update it to 1.0.91 version. 2. The highlight square feature do...
by uyasar
Tue May 09, 2017 6:42 am
Forum: Suggest Improvements
Topic: Feedback for Tactics
Replies: 2
Views: 99677

Feedback for Tactics

Hi Again,
I'm going to use this plugin for a chess tutorial site and I thought It would be wonderful If I could give instructive feedbacks for visitor's right or wrong moves for the tactics.

by uyasar
Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:02 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Plugin License and Update Plugin
Replies: 7
Views: 117554

Re: Plugin License and Update Plugin

Thank you, I still have this problem.
by uyasar
Wed Apr 26, 2017 2:01 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: After the latest update
Replies: 2
Views: 59378

Re: After the latest update

I guess I could figure out the problem which is not related to wordpresschess plugin. Anyway, thank you
by uyasar
Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:14 pm
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: After the latest update
Replies: 2
Views: 59378

After the latest update

There seems to be a problem showing fen and pgn strings agter latest update; ... ienchetto/
by uyasar
Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:08 pm
Forum: Suggest Improvements
Topic: An easy way to add shortcodes through text editor
Replies: 5
Views: 146124

An easy way to add shortcodes through text editor

Shortcodes are ok and work well but there must some easy easy to use them directly on the text editor through a button. For example, you click on the button "pgn" then it automatically adds the {pgn] shortcode to the wyswyg editor. You just paste the pgn code you want to use.